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Now downloading free:IBM HASP II Manual Jun72

IBM HASP II Manual Jun72 free download

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J> rog ram, Library Canadian Program Library European Program Library Program Information Dept. South American South Pacific Japan, Ltd. IBM Canada Ltd. IBM France IBM Corporation Program Library Program Library Systems Engineering Dept. Department 960 23, Allee-Maillasson 40 Saw Mill River Road IBM do Brasil, Ltda. IBM Austraiia, Ltd. 14,1 Choma Nagata-cho 5 Yorkland Boulevard F.92-Bouiogne-Billancourt Hawthorne, New York 10532 Avenida Presidente Box 3318 G.P.D. Chiyoda-ku Willowdale, Ontario France United States Vargas 642, 4 Andar Sydney, N.S.W. Tokyo, Japan Canada Caixa Postal 1830-ZC-00 Australia Societe Anonyme Au Capital de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 620.256.000 F-R.C. (Seine 55B-11 846) June 26, 1972 Memorandum to: Users of the HASP II System (360D-05.1.0l4) Subject: Transmittal of Version 3, Modification Levell of 360D-05.1.014 This letter transmits Version 3, Modification Level 1 of the HASP II System, 360D-OS.1.014. The program materials needed to update this program to Version 3, Modification Level 1 are enclosed. The Basic materials distributed with this letter are: 1. An update to HASP II System Manual (replacement pages) 2. A replacement Memorandum to Users for HASP II System Manual 3. A complete replacement of the Basic machine readable material on one Distribution Tape Reel (DTR) recorded at 9-track 800 or 1600 bpi, or one 7-track 800 cpi (Data Conversion Feature required) If you are a user of the Optional program material, it consists of: 1. A complete replacement of' the Optional machine readable material consisting of 138 - 96. column cards as a "starter system" for a remote System!3. This release of HASP corrects virtually every known problem in Version 3, Modification Level 0 of HASP. This sytem includes all PTFs applicable to HASP Version 3.0 through DPA5427. Following is a list of the more significant maintenance items

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